Jan 31 17

February is Women in Horror Month – a celebration of dark fiction and scary films created by (or starring) women. Several websites are celebrating the event by posting interviews, stories, film clips, etc.

I’ve made a list of my favorite places on the Internet to visit in February:

Women in Horror Month: www.womeninhorrormonth.com

Big Time Books: www.bigtimebooks.com

Killer Podcast: www.attackofthekillerpodcast.com

Killer Horror Cast: @KillerfromSpace

Digital Fiction Pub: www.digitalfictionpub.com

Halloween Daily News: www.halloweendailynews.com

Horror Homeroom: www.horrorhomeroom.com

Screaming Film Club: @screamingfilm

Cine Dump: www.cinedump.com

Blogferatu: www.blogferatu.com

Horror World: www.horrorworld.org

The Horror Tree: www.horrortree.com

There are many other sites. Simply do a search online for Women in Horror Month and you’ll find plenty more places that are celebrating the event.

And check back here at the end of February for my review of Anne Rice’s latest novel in the Vampire Chronicles: “Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis.”