Jul 11 14

On this date five years ago my paternal grandmother passed away at the age of ninety-eight. I think about her a lot these days, remembering the times my brother and I would spend the night with her and she would regale us with tall tales while we drank our hot chocolate. My interest in horror was sparked by those visits and the ghost stories we would beg her to tell right before bedtime. (Probably why I slept with the hall light on until I was twelve.) And those tales didn’t stop being told after we grew up. My late father had a love for them as well.

Today my favorite subgenre of horror is still the ghost story. I have a tremendous collection – tales written over a span of two hundred years by both male and female authors. I even own books filled with supposedly true stories, which were my gran’s favorite kind.

Over the last decade I’ve written my share of (published) ghostly tales, and once in a while I like to “pimp my wares” and remind people where they can be found.

Here are a few publications that are still available:

HARLAN COUNTY HORRORS (Anthology) by Apex Book Company – “The Power of Moonlight”

DARK LIGHT (Charity Anthology) by MARLvision Publishing – “Crasher”

THE WHITE DEATH AND OTHER GHASTLY GHOST STORIES – My e-book collection of 8 reprints and 2 new tales

I hope to write more in the future – without giving up the editing gig. In the meantime, check back here soon for my review of Stephen King’s latest novel, MR. MERCEDES. I also plan to review Season One of the new Showtime series PENNY DREADFUL. Don’t forget to sleep with the hall light on, okay?